Unity is peace for all: Divine attribute of Al Aziz (The Mighty)... God has given man free will and told him the difference between right and wrong and when man puts the good deeds in practice he is among those who establish God's kingdom and will be the recipient of an excellent reward.
(te oud om op te antwoorden)
2007-12-05 05:29:49 UTC
=(1)= *Allah, standing upon justice, bears witness that there is no
god but Him and also angels and those who possess knowledge (bear
witness the same ). There is no God but He, the Mighty (and) the
Wise.* ....[The translation of verse 19 Surah Al Imran (3:19) ]
=(2)= The holy Caliph of the holy Promised Messiah said that the
objective of his Community is to inculcate a perception of piety,
taqwa (righteousness) and the Unity of God and to go on to establish
it in the world by presenting a living depiction of it.... To establish
the kingdom of that God Who created the universe in which the [planet]
earth has the capacity of a mere dot.... As for us humans who walk on
this earth pompously, we are nothing by comparison and it is the sheer
grace of Allah that He has given us humans the status of 'the most
eminent of all creation'.... He has told us the objective of our
creation is to endeavor to become His true servant.... However, the
majority of this world is not prepared to reflect on this and is
absorbed in the entertainment of this world and is ensnared by the
Satan..... However, those who have faith and are mindful of the fact
that the One God Who is Mighty and Who is the Creator and has created
limitless varieties of creation on this earth, did not need human to
worship Him and to establish His kingdom on this earth.... However, he
gave the humans wisdom and insight along with free will to believe in
the prophets or reject them.
=(3)= Allah says His servants are those who deem Him worthy of
worship, who abide by His commandments brought by His prophets,
commandments which were perfected in the shape of the last Book of
religious law revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him)..... According to this teaching the Promised Messiah
was sent in subservience of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) so that he would make the world see the true God and
having removed the gulf created between man and God re-establish a
living relationship between man and God. All humanity is to be told
about this.
=(4)= God is Omnipotent and can be dominant when He chooses, what need
did he then have of the humble humans to establish His kingdom, a
kingdom which belongs to Him in the first place?.......God has given
man free will and told him the difference between right and wrong and
when man puts the good deeds in practice he is among those who
establish God's kingdom and will be the recipient of an excellent
reward..... On the other hand are those who indulge in shirk
(associating partners with Allah) and who will be chastised..... Thus
Allah is not in any need, rather it is the need of human to attain
Allah's pleasure and reward.
=(5)= Allah manifests Himself to the adversaries of the prophets by
subduing them.... The Holy Qur'an mentions this several times...... It has
been so that it is during the lifetime of each prophet of God that
their adversaries were made a sign of warning..... For instance at the
time of Moses (on whom be peace) the Pharaoh claimed to be a god but
sought forgiveness when faced with death, this is when Allah informed
him that his time was past and that he and his body would be a sign of
warning for the rest of time.....AND.....indeed this is exactly how it
came to pass...... The Pharaoh met his end due to a surge of water and the
low and ebb of this surge of water was with the command of God.
=(6)= The holy Caliph (Huzur) added that the Seal of all the prophets
(peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who was sent to establish
God's kingdom on the entire earth started life as an orphan, whom
Allah chose from the very beginning, who was extremely pious from the
start, who appeared weak to others but who was picked for the guidance
of the world from childhood.... If there ever can be an image of God
among humans, it was this perfect man (peace and blessings of Allah be
on him)..... The persecution and cruelty he endured in his life was
staggering yet the victory of Mecca bears witness to the fact that it
was the servant of the true God, Who is Mighty and Powerful, who was
eventually triumphant and the three hundred and sixty odd idols of the
pagan of Mecca were of no avail.
=(7)= Indeed the victory of Mecca and the spreading of Islam beyond
Arabia in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) is a tremendous sign of the Might of Allah, as he
established God's kingdom on this earth and the pagan idols could do
nothing. [Surah Saba (34:28) ]
=(8)= The era of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on
him) did not cease with his passing away; at the top of each century
Allah sent a Mujaddad (reformer) to establish His kingdom and His
Unity and then in accordance with the glad-tiding and prophecy of the
Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) the advent of
the Messiah took place.
=(9)= Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was overlooked by his family
from early on because he was shy and retiring and was only interested
in the true God...... It was this shy and retiring person who the true God
chose to re-establish His kingdom, one who would always be found in
the corner of the mosque.... Once this 'weak' person became a true
servant of God he astonished the world with his profound knowledge and
insight... For example: he was not formally trained in Arabic but many
Arabs confirm (after reading the Arabic writings of the Promised
Messiah) that these writings can only be of one who has Allah's
support and help.
=(10)=Today his followers are spread all over the world and this is a
proof that Allah chooses whoever He wills to establish His kingdom....
It were the prayer of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be on him) that initially revived those spiritually dead and today it
is the prayers of his devotee by virtue of which the Community is
progressing to establish God's kingdom on the earth [with peace and
service]. ...May the correct perception and insight remain alive always.
=(11)= True morality is to move on from apparent morals and develop an
insight of the true God, this is the reason why the advent of the Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) took place and this
was also the reason the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came and
this alone should be the objective of the his followers, i.e. not to
simply have the worldly morals in view, rather to seek to become a
true servant of God and to give the world an insight into it as well.
=(12)= Some people who are worldly-wise and have 'apparent' morals but
nothing beyond them get involved in extremely immoral practices in
their private gatherings.....This is so because they have distanced
themselves from the true God and do not even try to comprehend Him.
=(13)= The verse(3:18) [which is previous to the verse cited at the
beginning] mentions those who have faith, who are truthful, humble,
who seek forgiveness in the latter part of the night are those who
establish Allah's kingdom in their hearts.
=(14)= Speaking about the concept of trinity, the holy Caliph said it
was introduced at a later stage in Christianity and certainly was not
the teaching of Jesus (on whom be peace). Allah is Al Aziz (the
Mighty) therefore He is not in need of a helper 'god'. The concept of
multiple gods, asserting their respective wills, would create disorder
in the universe.
=(15)= Citing surah al-Momin(40:43) **You invite me that I should
disbelieve in Allah and should associate with Him that of which I have
no knowledge, while I invite you to the Mighty, the Great Forgiver.**
he said this is the response of the sagacious, the response of the
prophets of God.... The verse preceding this (40:42) is addressed to the
disbelievers that while they are being called towards salvation, they
call people towards Fire!
=(16)= For salvation and developing and increasing spiritually
Istaghfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) is essential.... It is not
sufficient just to have one's sins forgiven, those who are passionate
to establish the kingdom of God on the earth endeavour to attain His
nearness and having reached one stage of spiritual development they
are eager and keen to reach the next stage and thus they tread this
never ending path of spiritual development.
=(17)= If people used their senses then reflecting on just the
creation of the heavens and the earth would give them an insight into
the workings of Allah. [Surah Al Hajj (22:75)]
=(18)= **And His is the Majesty in the heavens and the earth, and He
is the Mighty, the Wise.** [Surah Al Jathiyah (45:38) ]... Allah is
Al Aziz . It is this true God to Whom one should turn and submit to,
to avoid all manner of shirk, for He alone is the font of all powers.
=(19)= One should develop a connection with God in order to attain
objective, a connection which would demonstrate an expression of the
perception of the Divine attribute of Al Aziz, demonstrate an
endeavour to seek taqwa/righteousness and piety and even make the
outsiders express words as expressed in verse 3 of Surah Al Hijr
=(20)= To establish the kingdom of God is objective of Community of
Promised Messiah , it is a tremendous challenge.....Further the holy
Caliph prayed: may the community become Allah's true servants and may
they have an understanding of their true objectives.
Promised divine peace in latter days : www.alislam.org : www.mta.tv
Valère De Brabandere
2007-12-07 16:25:15 UTC
Post by HIND
=(1)= *Allah, standing upon justice, bears witness that there is no
god but Him and also angels and those who possess knowledge (bear
witness the same ). There is no God but He, the Mighty (and) the
Wise.* ....[The translation of verse 19 Surah Al Imran (3:19) ]
=(2)= The holy Caliph of the holy Promised Messiah said that the
objective of his Community is to inculcate a perception of piety,
taqwa (righteousness) and the Unity of God and to go on to establish
it in the world by presenting a living depiction of it.... To establish
the kingdom of that God Who created the universe in which the [planet]
earth has the capacity of a mere dot.... As for us humans who walk on
this earth pompously, we are nothing by comparison and it is the sheer
grace of Allah that He has given us humans the status of 'the most
eminent of all creation'.... He has told us the objective of our
creation is to endeavor to become His true servant.... However, the
majority of this world is not prepared to reflect on this and is
absorbed in the entertainment of this world and is ensnared by the
Satan..... However, those who have faith and are mindful of the fact
that the One God Who is Mighty and Who is the Creator and has created
limitless varieties of creation on this earth, did not need human to
worship Him and to establish His kingdom on this earth.... However, he
gave the humans wisdom and insight along with free will to believe in
the prophets or reject them.
=(3)= Allah says His servants are those who deem Him worthy of
worship, who abide by His commandments brought by His prophets,
commandments which were perfected in the shape of the last Book of
religious law revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him)..... According to this teaching the Promised Messiah
was sent in subservience of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) so that he would make the world see the true God and
having removed the gulf created between man and God re-establish a
living relationship between man and God. All humanity is to be told
about this.
=(4)= God is Omnipotent and can be dominant when He chooses, what need
did he then have of the humble humans to establish His kingdom, a
kingdom which belongs to Him in the first place?.......God has given
man free will and told him the difference between right and wrong and
when man puts the good deeds in practice he is among those who
establish God's kingdom and will be the recipient of an excellent
reward..... On the other hand are those who indulge in shirk
(associating partners with Allah) and who will be chastised..... Thus
Allah is not in any need, rather it is the need of human to attain
Allah's pleasure and reward.
=(5)= Allah manifests Himself to the adversaries of the prophets by
subduing them.... The Holy Qur'an mentions this several times...... It has
been so that it is during the lifetime of each prophet of God that
their adversaries were made a sign of warning..... For instance at the
time of Moses (on whom be peace) the Pharaoh claimed to be a god but
sought forgiveness when faced with death, this is when Allah informed
him that his time was past and that he and his body would be a sign of
warning for the rest of time.....AND.....indeed this is exactly how it
came to pass...... The Pharaoh met his end due to a surge of water and the
low and ebb of this surge of water was with the command of God.
=(6)= The holy Caliph (Huzur) added that the Seal of all the prophets
(peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who was sent to establish
God's kingdom on the entire earth started life as an orphan, whom
Allah chose from the very beginning, who was extremely pious from the
start, who appeared weak to others but who was picked for the guidance
of the world from childhood.... If there ever can be an image of God
among humans, it was this perfect man (peace and blessings of Allah be
on him)..... The persecution and cruelty he endured in his life was
staggering yet the victory of Mecca bears witness to the fact that it
was the servant of the true God, Who is Mighty and Powerful, who was
eventually triumphant and the three hundred and sixty odd idols of the
pagan of Mecca were of no avail.
=(7)= Indeed the victory of Mecca and the spreading of Islam beyond
Arabia in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) is a tremendous sign of the Might of Allah, as he
established God's kingdom on this earth and the pagan idols could do
nothing. [Surah Saba (34:28) ]
=(8)= The era of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on
him) did not cease with his passing away; at the top of each century
Allah sent a Mujaddad (reformer) to establish His kingdom and His
Unity and then in accordance with the glad-tiding and prophecy of the
Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) the advent of
the Messiah took place.
=(9)= Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was overlooked by his family
from early on because he was shy and retiring and was only interested
in the true God...... It was this shy and retiring person who the true God
chose to re-establish His kingdom, one who would always be found in
the corner of the mosque.... Once this 'weak' person became a true
servant of God he astonished the world with his profound knowledge and
insight... For example: he was not formally trained in Arabic but many
Arabs confirm (after reading the Arabic writings of the Promised
Messiah) that these writings can only be of one who has Allah's
support and help.
=(10)=Today his followers are spread all over the world and this is a
proof that Allah chooses whoever He wills to establish His kingdom....
It were the prayer of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be on him) that initially revived those spiritually dead and today it
is the prayers of his devotee by virtue of which the Community is
progressing to establish God's kingdom on the earth [with peace and
service]. ...May the correct perception and insight remain alive always.
=(11)= True morality is to move on from apparent morals and develop an
insight of the true God, this is the reason why the advent of the Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) took place and this
was also the reason the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came and
this alone should be the objective of the his followers, i.e. not to
simply have the worldly morals in view, rather to seek to become a
true servant of God and to give the world an insight into it as well.
=(12)= Some people who are worldly-wise and have 'apparent' morals but
nothing beyond them get involved in extremely immoral practices in
their private gatherings.....This is so because they have distanced
themselves from the true God and do not even try to comprehend Him.
=(13)= The verse(3:18) [which is previous to the verse cited at the
beginning] mentions those who have faith, who are truthful, humble,
who seek forgiveness in the latter part of the night are those who
establish Allah's kingdom in their hearts.
=(14)= Speaking about the concept of trinity, the holy Caliph said it
was introduced at a later stage in Christianity and certainly was not
the teaching of Jesus (on whom be peace). Allah is Al Aziz (the
Mighty) therefore He is not in need of a helper 'god'. The concept of
multiple gods, asserting their respective wills, would create disorder
in the universe.
=(15)= Citing surah al-Momin(40:43) **You invite me that I should
disbelieve in Allah and should associate with Him that of which I have
no knowledge, while I invite you to the Mighty, the Great Forgiver.**
he said this is the response of the sagacious, the response of the
prophets of God.... The verse preceding this (40:42) is addressed to the
disbelievers that while they are being called towards salvation, they
call people towards Fire!
=(16)= For salvation and developing and increasing spiritually
Istaghfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) is essential.... It is not
sufficient just to have one's sins forgiven, those who are passionate
to establish the kingdom of God on the earth endeavour to attain His
nearness and having reached one stage of spiritual development they
are eager and keen to reach the next stage and thus they tread this
never ending path of spiritual development.
=(17)= If people used their senses then reflecting on just the
creation of the heavens and the earth would give them an insight into
the workings of Allah. [Surah Al Hajj (22:75)]
=(18)= **And His is the Majesty in the heavens and the earth, and He
is the Mighty, the Wise.** [Surah Al Jathiyah (45:38) ]... Allah is
Al Aziz . It is this true God to Whom one should turn and submit to,
to avoid all manner of shirk, for He alone is the font of all powers.
=(19)= One should develop a connection with God in order to attain
objective, a connection which would demonstrate an expression of the
perception of the Divine attribute of Al Aziz, demonstrate an
endeavour to seek taqwa/righteousness and piety and even make the
outsiders express words as expressed in verse 3 of Surah Al Hijr
=(20)= To establish the kingdom of God is objective of Community of
Promised Messiah , it is a tremendous challenge.....Further the holy
Caliph prayed: may the community become Allah's true servants and may
they have an understanding of their true objectives.
Promised divine peace in latter days : www.alislam.org : www.mta.tv
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